Category: makeup

How To Clean A Window?

We all want our windows to look as spotless as the day they were installed (old or new). You can feel more connected to the outdoors when your windows are clean and allow more light into your home. However, it can be challenging to determine how to clean your windows without streaking or scratching them

Oven Cleaning

Cleaning ovens is a tiresome task. It takes a lot of work and effort to clean one. You would need to purchase so many things which can be expensive. However, you need to clean your oven no matter how tiring it is.   Find out more about oven cleaning by continuing to read this article.   Are you looking

Carpet Cleaning 101: Do I Need To Go To A Professional Cleaner?

Carpet owners don't realise that shampooing their beloved carpets isn't the best way to get rid of stubborn stains or accumulated dirt.    It can be tiresome and most of all, damaging to your carpets when one doesn't use the proper treatment and tools. In most cases, carpets that have not been thoroughly cleaned for a couple

Getting Your Oven Professionally Cleaned

Ovens are an essential and convenient appliance that every kitchen should feature. Imagine simply popping a dish in to roast and after a few hours, it comes out beautifully cooked, with a tasty looking golden finish!   But after continuous use, your oven will start to get dirtier and dirtier. What do you do then?    Cleaning an oven

The 7 Steps of Cleaning Process

A lot of people take cleanliness for granted but when it comes to understanding its importance, you can’t overemphasise the impact it has on our day to day lives. If you want to notice its impact on you and your home, go for a week without cleaning your home and you will notice that it

How to Clean Your House in 1 Day

Let’s face it. The idea of keeping your home clean sounds easy but actually doing it is quite a task. For some of us, it is a chore that we love to do but for some, it is a daunting task that they don’t mind putting off for another day.   To make this task less intimidating,

What is the aim of cleaning and sanitizing?

There are many reasons why we should clean and sanitize our home. Aside from the fact that it is vital to our health and wellness, there is more to it than just keeping your house in order. We understand that it is sometimes difficult to keep your house in a spic and span condition which

Tips to cut your cleaning time in half

Let’s face the truth. We don’t want to spend our entire day cleaning so if we can find ways to cut our cleaning time, everybody would join the party and raise their hands up. Thankfully, there are many ways we can do to spend less time cleaning and enjoy more time living life to the

Getting into a Good Cleaning Routine

Do you feel like cleaning your home seems never-ending? Do you feel like you always have to catch up? Do you manage to get everything clean but end feeling exhausted? Do you dread friends and family just dropping in for a visit? You are not alone. Cleaning your home is the household chore that never ends,

Getting Your Home Christmas Ready

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is a season of giving, gathering and merrymaking. Most of all, our homes serve as the focal point of most celebrations and to most homemakers, it’s the busiest time of the year too. Since Christmas is unlike any celebration of the year, many people go to