Quick cleaning tips for your home
Quick Home Cleaning Tips
Let’s face it. Most of us would like to live in a sparkling, clean show-home but despite our best efforts we fall short – whether this is due to children, pets, time, illness or injury or the ‘life is too short for cleaning’ attitude.
But cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore that takes up half your day.
Here are five quick tips for cleaning your home.
1) Make sure you clean the kitchen bin. Although it can be tough enough to get someone to take the rubbish out, ensuring that the bin itself is cleaned every week will ensure your kitchen looks better without drips and stains down the side and will prevent any unpleasant odours. Use an anti-bacterial spray to clean it, and sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda at the bottom of the bin to keep it odour-free for longer. You have even sprinkled a little bicarbonate of soda into the bottom of the fridge to keep that smelling fresh too.
2) When you get out of the bath or the shower, wipe the tiles and the door down with a soft cloth while it is still damp. This removes any dirt and bacteria before it has time to dry and become harder to clean off later.
3) Food stuck to the microwave can be like cement. But rather than scrubbing until you can no longer feel your arm, fill a mug with water and zap it in the microwave for one minute. This will steam all the grime and cement-like food so it can simply be wiped off with a cloth. If you add lemon to the water it makes it smell good too.
4) Cleaning smelly upholstery or carpets can be tricky, and having pets means this becomes more of a problem. But never fear – the trusty bicarbonate of soda will help. Sprinkle this on carpets and sofas, even the dog bed – although it’s best to remove the dog first. Leave for 15 minutes and then vacuum up. It will immediately smell better.
5) Quick tips for oven cleaning. Let’s face it there is no quick and easy way to clean to the oven. Instead, call Oven Bliss and we will come and clean it for you.